Live in abundance

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word abundance can be used to describe a considerably large amount of something. This is an amount that is more than enough. To some abundance can be financial, emotional, mental and spiritual. Safe to say everyone wants to have an area of their lives that is filled with abundance. Abundance more often than not means comfort for example if your monthly bills are $5000 and your monthly income is $8000 then you are living in financial abundance where you have more than enough. The question I had is can only live in abundance if the physical evidence shows that they are living in abundance ? A friend of mine once told me how important one's perspective of the world is. Some see the world as a cold barren place where opportunities are few and finances are even fewer whereas some see the world as an infinite sea of opportunities with more than enough money to go round the world. The first batch of people no matter their positions in li...