Live in abundance

 According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word abundance can be used to describe a considerably large amount of something. This is an amount that is more than enough. To some abundance can be financial, emotional, mental and spiritual. Safe to say everyone wants to have an area of their lives that is filled with abundance. Abundance more often than not means comfort for example if your monthly bills are $5000 and your monthly income is $8000 then you are living in financial abundance where you have more than enough. The question I had is can only live in abundance if the physical evidence shows that they are living in abundance ?

A friend of mine once told me how important one's perspective of the world is. Some see the world as a cold barren place where opportunities are few and finances are even fewer whereas some see the world as an infinite sea of opportunities with more than enough money to go round the world. The first batch of people no matter their positions in life are living in scarcity simply because they have installed within themselves the scarcity mindset. This type of mindset is dangerous because it shuts off your optimism and therefore closes your eyes to new opportunities. The second batch no matter their positions in life are living in abundance simply because they have installed within themselves the abundance mindset. Now this type of mindset is also dangerous in its own respect because it builds great men and women. 

Living in abundance means you see a problem and instead of seeing the level of lack within that situation you see an opportunity to improve the situation. Romans 4 vs 17 talks about how God calls things which be not as though they were meaning he calls abundance were there is scarcity. Whenever you face a situation in which you can't seem to overcome just take a step back and call those things which are not as though they are and speak abundance over that situation.

To me Psalm 23 is one of the most powerful chapters in the bible simply because it is describing a God of abundance ("You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows"). Overflowing is an indication of abundance where the vessel has more than enough to the point where it cannot take any more and therefore overflows. As Christians we should always always live a life of abundance where we lack nothing because in God we have everything.

Remember to always have an abundant mindset in everything you do. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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