
Showing posts from October, 2020

Assume whoever you are listening to knows something you don't

Humility is one of the most important human traits which is not only taught in the education sector but it is also a religious principle which always ensures that you are in good books with the Lord and with men. Humility is often defined as    the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities and this is a definition that has been widely accepted though today I will touch on the knowledge and learning aspect of humility. As a child, humility is one of the greatest things you can teach them because it is at this early stage were a child's level of humility will determine how much they learn in class...but why is that so ? I think it is because humility is that inner voice that is telling you that what you don't know is more important than what you know.  People are very defensive when it comes to what they know even though what they know is not enough and their lives not being exactly were they want it to be is just a clear indication of that. So ...

Tell the truth, or at least don't lie

  Telling the truth is often hard because you have to know the truth in order to tell it and that is hard as well. By definition the truth is  that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality . There are many people who would do whatever it takes to get what they want and this includes lying about themselves, the things they have done and what other people have done. Most times one can actually get away with it but only for a very very short time and then the consequences come knocking. The opposite is true as well, if you tell the truth, the consequences may not be immediate but they are going to come in the same way the consequences for lying come. The most common law of physics is for every action there is a reaction so before you say anything remember that your words have the mathematical potential to have an impact in at least a billion people's lives. The thing that most people often overlook is that lying to yourself is actually more damaging than lying to other...

Pursue what is meaningful

Have you ever asked yourself what is really important and meaningful in your life or rather do you have a mental list of priorities in relation to what is meaningful ? Meaning represents something's intent or purpose. As people we are all here for a specific purpose which we need to discover and dedicate our lives to pursuing. That is however another topic for another day, today it is about knowing what to pursue in your life.  Meaning is not categorized as one of the senses or emotions and that is because one can not embody meaning rather it is more of an instinct and it tells you when you are in the right path. It is like when you watch a "motivational video" or read a book, you walk away from it feeling as if more value has been added into your life and no one can tell you how or when to feel this, it is just natural.  The human brain has 2 sides, the right side deals with things that you do not understand and the left is there to deal with the things that you do unde...

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

  There are over 6 billion people on planet earth today which literally makes each one of us a spec in the dust when it comes to world statistics. The issue that arises with this is that people often then under estimate the power of their actions. Look at it this way, in your network of friends, associates, colleagues and family members you could know over a hundred people and those hundred people know their hundred people each. This means you are 1 person from 10 000 people and 2 people away from a million . This just shows how huge an influence on act has on the world so next time you are about to do something bad remember that your actions have the potential to impact a million people . So seeing how our actions have either a negative or positive impact on millions, the same can also apply in our lives where a single change of habit can have a domino effect on everything else in your life . My favorite part would be how Jordan Peterson advices young people to clean up their room...