Tell the truth, or at least don't lie


Telling the truth is often hard because you have to know the truth in order to tell it and that is hard as well. By definition the truth is that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. There are many people who would do whatever it takes to get what they want and this includes lying about themselves, the things they have done and what other people have done. Most times one can actually get away with it but only for a very very short time and then the consequences come knocking. The opposite is true as well, if you tell the truth, the consequences may not be immediate but they are going to come in the same way the consequences for lying come. The most common law of physics is for every action there is a reaction so before you say anything remember that your words have the mathematical potential to have an impact in at least a billion people's lives.

The thing that most people often overlook is that lying to yourself is actually more damaging than lying to others, look at all the reality that is around you and see yourself as 1 grain of sand in a desert, well that is supposed to make someone feel very humble and more attentive but rather some then use it as an excuse to do or say whatever they want because they are under the impression that their actions will have no significant impact in the world which is a lie and that is the first lie which one needs to deal with. Here is a list of 5 lies which you might have probably heard and 5 truths you might not have heard

The lie

  • Your actions and words are insignificant
  • You are worthless because you are not good at something common 
  • You are not as important as everyone else
  • Time is not important
  • You are stupid
The truth
  • It is possible to be networked to a billion people so your words and actions are very significant.
  • You can not be good at everything, so focus on what you are good at and ignore the rest.
  • No one person is more important than the other.
  • Time is one of the most precious resources and managing it well could be the difference between making it and not.
  • Psalms 139 vs 14 : "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful, I know that full well"

So lets bring it closer to should write down at least 10 brutally honest things about yourself. The first five are going to be things that you are absolutely horrible at for example some people are horrible at singing but are fantastic song writers or beat producers. So you write down 5 things you aren't very good at and 5 things that you are very good at. The purpose behind this is to see if you are being perfectly honest with yourself and whether you can tell the difference between yourself and every other human being which isn't a physical difference. After writing down that list, concentrate on improving and mastering the things you are good at and ignore the rest. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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