Pursue what is meaningful

Have you ever asked yourself what is really important and meaningful in your life or rather do you have a mental list of priorities in relation to what is meaningful ?

Meaning represents something's intent or purpose. As people we are all here for a specific purpose which we need to discover and dedicate our lives to pursuing. That is however another topic for another day, today it is about knowing what to pursue in your life. 

Meaning is not categorized as one of the senses or emotions and that is because one can not embody meaning rather it is more of an instinct and it tells you when you are in the right path. It is like when you watch a "motivational video" or read a book, you walk away from it feeling as if more value has been added into your life and no one can tell you how or when to feel this, it is just natural. 

The human brain has 2 sides, the right side deals with things that you do not understand and the left is there to deal with the things that you do understand. The trick now is you can't continue doing things that you understand because you already understand them and that will hamper your growth. At the same time you can't do things that you don't understand because  then you will be lost. You need to be right in the middle and this is where everything aligns perfectly for you. Expedients now is choosing the thing that gets you off the hook quickly and easily. This of course is not something that you would do in the long run because you do not move forward.

So my advice this week would be to sit down and be honest with yourself. Write down a list of all the things that eat up your time in a day then carefully cancel out those things which you feel will add no meaning to your life and pursue those that do. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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