Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world


There are over 6 billion people on planet earth today which literally makes each one of us a spec in the dust when it comes to world statistics. The issue that arises with this is that people often then under estimate the power of their actions. Look at it this way, in your network of friends, associates, colleagues and family members you could know over a hundred people and those hundred people know their hundred people each. This means you are 1 person from 10 000 people and 2 people away from a million. This just shows how huge an influence on act has on the world so next time you are about to do something bad remember that your actions have the potential to impact a million people.

So seeing how our actions have either a negative or positive impact on millions, the same can also apply in our lives where a single change of habit can have a domino effect on everything else in your life. My favorite part would be how Jordan Peterson advices young people to clean up their rooms as a remedy to a chaotic life. 

Well that really does not make any sense, what does cleaning one's room have to do with living an orderly life. Well here are a few points on how that simple act can change a lot :

  • It takes an incredible amount of discipline to get up everyday, make your bed, clean your room and just put everything in order every single morning. So the very first thing you learn here is discipline and once you can nail down the discipline part then you are half way done.
  • Using the domino effect principle just imagine the good that will come from that one action. Once you put your immediate world which is your room in order then you will immediately find other things that need fixing and then all of a sudden your world is a bit better everyday.
  • Funny enough just by that one act your vision becomes a little clearer everyday because you are putting your life in order bit by bit and that means you can see things much more clearer
Putting your life in order I believe does not mean having it all figured out because that does not sound like something anyone would want because we all crave challenges in life. Putting your life in order means with starting with the little things and they will compound to make even larger changes. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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