Turn over a new leaf


A lot of times people face a dilemma in their lives where they are stuck in a certain situation or lifestyle in which they want to get out but don’t know how to. Situations where we feel like living a certain way or doing certain things is the only choice we have. This sort of scenario can be seen mostly with addicts. Whatever it is that you are addicted to can become your own self made prison if you make it.

I used to know a guy whose vice was a certain drug and he got so hooked that he felt like he couldn’t do anything unless he took the drug first. The honest truth is, he actually couldn’t because his own mind had become his worst enemy as it was so addicted to that “ higher “ feeling. He wanted to turn his life around and become clean but he didn’t know how to plus he wasn’t sure if God would forgive him.

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:27 says “ Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. All things have passed away and a new life has begun” This is a very powerful verse because it shows us how our past won’t matter in the eyes of God once we receive Christ into our lives. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! The key here is having a relationship with God and maintaining it. The only way according to the bible in which we can have that relationship is through Jesus Christ himself. Remember he said “ I am the way the truth and the life, no one goes to the father except through me “ 

So the key to turning over a new leaf in your life, the key to living the best life as a child of God is to receive Christ into your life. The bible tells us exactly how to do that in Romans 10 vs 9.

If you want to receive Jesus Christ into your life and start living the life God called you to live, feel free to get in touch with me and I can help you see the way but only you can take the first step.

Have a blessed week, stay winning, stay shinning and Thank God its Monday


  1. Addiction is what has killed most of us .Thank you for shedding light on how Christ can help anyone nomatter what you are in.He still says come to me all.


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