See the unseeable

As the year begins, we hear a lot of people talking about new year resolutions, goals, places to visit, people to meet, money to make and jobs to get. January is marked as the month in which people layout the plans for the coming year and how they are going to execute them. It is also the time when the people who make diaries make the most money because everyone wants to plan their year. 

The planning aspect comes from the fact that everyone understands the importance of having a plan when it comes to executing your goals. You can't just say I want a $1000 in savings without having a concrete plan on how exactly you are going to do it. You need to be able to break down the goal into smaller more manageable pieces and take it from there. Though all these aspects that go into planning for the new year matter, the most important is often overlooked.

The promises that came to Abraham especially the one where he would be heir of the world came through his faith in God. Abraham was able to see what did not exist and he received it. When he accepted that his name shall no longer be Abram (assumed father) but rather Abraham (father of many) he had seen the promise of God and believed in it. He saw the male child, he saw the promised land, he saw the descendants, he saw everything before it came to pass.

Joshua is also another perfect example because God told him to see that he has given him the the King of Ai, his people, his city and his land. This meant that Joshua saw the victory before it even happened. So as you make your plans for the year and set out how you are going to achieve them, you need to see it first before it becomes a reality. 

You need to be able to see yourself on that flight, in that new job, with that person, with that much in your bank all comes down to how far your eyes can see. I hope you understand that these are not physical eyes that I am referring to. The more you can see yourself achieving your goal, then more likely it is to happen.

Have a blessed week and Thank God it's Monday.


  1. This is true! I can never become what I want in life until I actually envision and imprint the image in my heart, only then can it manifest into reality.As a man thinketh in his heart so is he at last in action. Thanks hun.


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