Know your worth


What do you see when you look in the mirror every morning?

What do others see when they look at you?

These are the top 2 questions that I have been focusing on in recent times. The first one is a representation of how I look at myself and feel. Not only physical appearance but even personality, character and spirituality. The second question is how I present myself to people, either familiar or strangers who I just met. All these dynamics shape how we interact with ourselves and with others. Yes, interacting with yourself is actually a thing. 

I often read about people who talk to themselves or have journals in which they write things that happen to them during the day and I used to find it quite strange until I realised I literally do the same thing through this blog. So back to those 2 often do you just look in the mirror and admire God's magnificent craftsmanship? 

When you start looking at yourself as God's perfect creation then things will change for you, your general view on life can be changed by how you see yourself and how you portray yourself to others. Before you leave for work or school or whatever it is that you do, just take the time to look at yourself in admiration and thank God for creating you in such a perfect way. One of my favourite verses is Psalm 139 vs 14 in which David says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made".

"Fearfully and wonderfully made" is a very deep statement if you look at it properly. When you make something fearfully it means you are very careful not to get even the smallest detail wrong and that is exactly how God made you. So anytime that you look at yourself in the mirror just see yourself as the fearfully and wonderfully made creation that God took his time to mould. When you start putting this kind of value on yourself then others around you will also respond and see you for who you are.

Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday.


  1. How you see yourself truly matters. There are a lot of mirrors in the world and if your not careful you will believe the wrong one.


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