Start small while thinking big
Growing up, I was often told statements like "Rome was not built in a day" and as a kid the only sense that I could make of that was it takes time to build big things. Though this may be truth, it is a generalized truth which has been making more and more sense to me the older I grew. Now the statement signifies a long and hard journey which has a light at the end of the tunnel.
It is very normal to feel scared or anxious when you think about how large your "Rome" is and how much time and effort will be needed to build it completely. Our brains are naturally wired to ensure survival so this means that anytime you try to do anything that threatens your comfort zone then immediately your brain kicks in and "talks you out of it". This is a feeling that we have all gone through at least once in our lives and that feeling of fear is the only thing that is standing between you and your "Rome".
So the title of my article this week is start small while thinking big and this is of great significance to me because I am at that age where I am starting to build my own "Rome" and even though some of the pieces to the puzzle are not yet fully connected, I always keep my eye on the end goal. The whole idea of starting small while thinking big is to make sure that you do not rush the process but slowly and gradually become the person you have always wanted to be. Remember many great inventions and companies came from a basement, garage or random occurrence. The slow and consistent building up of your life ensure that your roots are strong and can withstand anything because you have been through it already.
My message to you this morning would be to never stop building your dreams, no matter how difficult and unrealistic it may seem, never stop believing in yourself and in the one who is the source of our strength. Remember greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world meaning that the greatness that is in your surpasses all fear and anxiety. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday
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