It's the little things

So there is this idea that was brought forward about the "Butterfly effect" where its proposed that a single butterfly flapping its wings weeks earlier could cause enough change in the air flow to cause a tornado. This theory sounds ridiculous but the more I thought about it the more I started to see the truth in it. So the idea here is one small action repeatedly done would grow in terms of its impact on the world of the person repeating that action. So in other words it is the small consistent things that are repeatedly done that  will help you achieve your goal. One would even go on to say you should not focus much on the end goal but rather on the habits that will allow you to reach that end goal.

  • Be exceptional always
    In all things you do whether big or small it is always important to give it your all and ensure that whatever product you are bringing out is the best of what you have to offer. The amazing things about always aiming to be exceptional is that people notice your commitment and hard work. which in turn would show them the kind of person you are and they will always have you at the back of their mind. Always aiming to be exceptional means that you and your work will always be a cut above the rest.

  • Guard your passion
    Well everyone is extremely passionate about at least on thing in their lives. It is this single minded passion that makes them wake up in the morning and be ready to work tirelessly until they achieve what they want to achieve. Protecting your passion and vision from all the negative verbal obstacles placed in front of your by the society is very important. Whatever it is that you are passionate about, needs to be protected and kept alive.
  • Start serving others
    There is just this unexpected wave of joy and peace that comes from helping others or attending to their needs. It is just a warm feeling which can only come when you choose to think about someone else other than yourself for once. The beauty about serving others is that it keeps you humble because you will be able to walk in the other person's shoes even if it is for a short period. Regularly serving others is a fulfilling activity which is good for your mental well being.

  • Manage your time better
    I have saved the best for last and in this case it is the best indeed. Time management is one of the most important concepts one is taught in business management. Time is so important that when one is setting goals, time should play a huge role in that goal setting. It is especially important to be able to manage your time do that you get the most out of your 24 hours. Make a schedule and stick to it. The trick however is to create a schedule that does not enslave you and leave in worse shape than you were before. Create a schedule that is easy to follow and allows you to complete the most important tasks during the day. 

I believe that one small action done repeatedly will have a much greater impact than when it is just done in isolation. Continue working hard towards your goals and remain consistent to see the small changes that it will make in your life. Start off by cleaning and tidying up your area of habitation and you will see the effects of any small action. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday 


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