If not now then when?

 I am sure we are all familiar with the term "I will start tomorrow" or "I will only start once something else has happened". Well it turns out a lot of world changing ideas have died as a result of these statements because in that case tomorrow never comes and that something never happens. Thinking of an idea is the easy part, I believe the difficulty always comes in starting because once you have started then you are now one step closer to achieving your goal.

So what causes us to procrastinate in such a tremendous way? What causes us to have a brilliant idea, calculate all the possible outcomes and define a clear path in which you are going to take, only to forget about the whole thing the next day?

I personally feel like the fear of moving out of our comfort zones is what keeps us in them. By definition a comfort zone can be a place or even a state of mind where you are neither being challenged or growing in any aspect. Comfort zones are classified as a short term pleasure with long term implications. Getting up early every morning  to work out may be a daunting task for some and some may even see it as something impossible that is only done by professional athletes or fitness gurus. What we do not realize is that the so called professionals and gurus also used to have that same conversation in their mind where they are trying to get up but their brain is reminding them of how nice and warm the blanket is. 

What one should do in that moment of conflict is to just "GET UP AND DO IT". The moment you just get up and do it, you will find out that it is much much easier than you though and you are capable of doing it every morning. Then the next day comes and you do the same thing then you are now in the professional athlete and fitness guru bracket. It is all about consistency after that but the consistency could have only come from the first day you decided to get up and do it.

So what is really stopping you from doing what you want to do? It is ok to start small while thinking big because all great building need a strong and steady foundation. So my question is...When are you going to start laying your foundation.

Have a blessed and productive week filled with success and happiness. Enjoy this week's read and Thank God its Monday


  1. I really relate with this before u start its a mountain but when go on e field its nothing .Thanks

  2. We had missed this weekly nugget. Thank you 😊


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