I can do all things

 I remember talking to a fitness trainer this other day and they were telling me how  the best way I can put on muscle is to train hard, eat good and get lots of sleep. Training eating and sleeping seem to be the pre-requisites to getting a good physique. From what he was saying, I can safely conclude that food is the fuel that strengthens us and helps us train harder and get bigger. I won't dive much into diet and everything else because the one thing that he put much emphasis on was believing that the routine and diet will work. It is that belief system  that enables your brain to actually realize that it is possible and come up with ideas on how to reach the desired goal.

One of my favorite verses from the good book is Philippians 4 vs 13 which says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Breaking this verse down would mean splitting it into 4 parts which I will explain based on how I understood it : 

  • I can
    The opening words to our verse are a reminder or rather a news flash informing you that "YOU CAN". This means that you and only you can accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish and do it well. The reason that Paul said this was because prior to the 13th verse he was talking about how he was content with where he was because he knew that whatever he wanted to do was very much possible.
  • Do all things through
    The second part is a bit tricky because figuring out what all things means can be very subjective to different people. So what I would want you to do is to picture the one goal that you have always wanted to achieve and once you have seen it in your mind then tell yourself that it is possible and that you can do it.

  • Through Christ 
    So here is yet another "pre-requisite" which tells us that you can do all things through Christ. So the question becomes who is Christ and what does he have to do with me accomplishing all my goals. Well the 19th verse from Philippians 14 speaks about how with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, God will supply all your needs. This is the same Christ who through him all things are possible. So you should ask yourself who are you doing your things through?
  • Which strengthens me
    The strengthening here can not be entirely ruled out to physical and emotional only, rather the most important strengthening one will need is spiritual strengthening which ensures that their spirit is well in tune with what is going on around them and can help you make better decisions in your life which are led by Christ hence he becomes your strength in all aspects of life. 
Remember all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, all you need to do is just believe and you will achieve it. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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