
Showing posts from March, 2021

I can do all things

 I remember talking to a fitness trainer this other day and they were telling me how  the best way I can put on muscle is to train hard, eat good and get lots of sleep. Training eating and sleeping seem to be the pre-requisites to getting a good physique. From what he was saying, I can safely conclude that food is the fuel that strengthens us and helps us train harder and get bigger. I won't dive much into diet and everything else because the one thing that he put much emphasis on was believing that the routine and diet will work. It is that belief system  that enables your brain to actually realize that it is possible and come up with ideas on how to reach the desired goal. One of my favorite verses from the good book is Philippians 4 vs 13 which says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Breaking this verse down would mean splitting it into 4 parts which I will explain based on how I understood it :  I can The opening words to our verse are a r...

It's the little things

So there is this idea that was brought forward about the "Butterfly effect" where its proposed that a single butterfly flapping its wings weeks earlier could cause enough change in the air flow to cause a tornado. This theory sounds ridiculous but the more I thought about it the more I started to see the truth in it. So the idea here is one small action repeatedly done would grow in terms of its impact on the world of the person repeating that action. So in other words it is the small consistent things that are repeatedly done that  will help you achieve your goal. One would even go on to say you should not focus much on the end goal but rather on the habits that will allow you to reach that end goal. Be exceptional always In all things you do whether big or small it is always important to give it your all and ensure that whatever product you are bringing out is the best of what you have to offer. The amazing things about always aiming to be exceptional is that people notice ...

If not now then when?

 I am sure we are all familiar with the term "I will start tomorrow" or "I will only start once something else has happened". Well it turns out a lot of world changing ideas have died as a result of these statements because in that case tomorrow never comes and that something never happens. Thinking of an idea is the easy part, I believe the difficulty always comes in starting because once you have started then you are now one step closer to achieving your goal. So what causes us to procrastinate in such a tremendous way? What causes us to have a brilliant idea, calculate all the possible outcomes and define a clear path in which you are going to take, only to forget about the whole thing the next day? I personally feel like the fear of moving out of our comfort zones is what keeps us in them. By definition a comfort zone can be a place or even a state of mind where you are neither being challenged or growing in any aspect. Comfort zones are classified as a short te...