Put in the work


As the year draws to an end, we may start feeling a bit left behind from the rest of the crowd. Well perhaps your friends seem to be doing better in some aspects of life and you feel like you are still in the same place. This is a very hard place to be because these are your peers and you can feel the disconnect between you and them because they are evidently levels apart. Well guess what...I feel exactly the same way. It honestly just feels like everyone else is doing this or that to make their lives better and I am not doing quite enough, but at times I realized that feelings and emotions may manipulate you into believing something that is not true. 

If you were to give a description of were your life was a year ago and were it is now, you will notice some significant differences and improvement. The reason why we don't focus on these is because maybe perhaps they are small changes which go unnoticed but they are still changes nonetheless. Well here are 5 things that I have learnt during this period of self doubt :

  • Understand who you are
    The main idea here is to take some time to find out who you really are in terms of what you enjoy doing and all your strengths. Once you have a clear understanding of who you are and were you are in life then it becomes easier to navigate your way through it because you won't spend your time doing things that are not for you.
  • Eliminate jealousy
    Like I said before, this is a very hard time and jealousy is an unshakeable feeling at times. Not that you don't wish your friends well, but that you also want to be in their position. It is quite normal but you have to remember that people's journeys differ and you are on 2 different paths. Just focus on your lane and be genuinely happy for others when they get success.
  • No shortcuts
    This may  seem like the easiest alternative to getting to were you want to be but I would urge you to trust the process. Shortcuts will often times give you half baked results and you will be ill prepared for the position you just boosted yourself into. Just keep it simple and stick to the plan and you will be fine.
  • Find what drives you
    In all that we want to do there are reasons as to why we want to do those things. Those reasons are what is supposed to drive us and make sure we are on the right path to achieving our goals. Find what drives you and keep it at the back of your head as you push forward.
  • Stay hungry
    Again this is also one of the most important aspects in life. Staying hungry means that even if you accomplish one thing you should still have that drive, that urge to continue pushing and achieving more and more. Stay hungry and go get more.
This is going to be an amazing week and that is because you will start noticing all the small significant changes in your life that are propelling you forward. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday.


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