Be a star not a candle

 "You have more potential than you think, but you will never know your full potential unless you keep challenging yourself and pushing beyond your own self imposed limits." ~ Roy T. Bennett. This statement alone felt very difficult for me to understand when I first read it, I mean I have have always seen myself as a ball of potential just waiting to explode but to then be told that I will never know my full potential unless i keep pushing myself beyond my  "self imposed limits" was heavy. First of all I had to try and figure out  what these self imposed limits are and how they stop me from reaching my full potential. So my question to you is...What are your self imposed limits?

So a majority of time we often focus on shielding ourselves from external negativity coming from friends or family. This is a very important part of living a peaceful happy life but at the same time it is not the most important in my view. I think the person you should learn to shield yourself from is yourself too because there are many times where we talk ourselves down and end up not doing what you are supposed to do. I always tell people that I am my own personal hype man and I don't wait for anyone to make me feel like I can do what I want. My strength does not come from my knowledge or from my strength comes from Philippians 4 vs 13 which says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Where does your strength come from ?

Do not let  your mind bully your body. The limits you set for  yourself are exactly what is going to stop you from being the you you should be. I have a friend of mine who once told me that we are comfortable with being candles because it is easy yet we have the potential to be  stars. I don't think there is a need to emphasize the difference between a star and a candle because the 2 are miles apart. So my advice would be do not settle with where you are and forget where you should be. "Do not be afraid to start small whilst thinking big" ~ Vusi Thembekwayo.

I hope you have a blessed week filled with joy and success. Enjoy the grind and Thank God its Monday. 


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