Are you ready for the new year ?
A friend from church asked me a question recently, "Honestly speaking, how much have you managed to accomplish this year in percentage terms?". At first i felt like lying but then he stopped me and said its a personal question and only I can know the answer. Though i have improved a lot from the last few years i still feel as if my percentage hasn't quite reached the levels i would want it to. Entering the new year, the main question is how do i get more stuff done, how can i achieve more and how can i better myself . Imagine 2021 becoming the year of your dreams were you smash all your goals, beat all your targets become the best version of yourself and finally finally not have to lie when someone asks you how much you have accomplished throughout the year. All this is more than possible but it is going to take a lot of willpower and hard work . As we approach the new year it is of paramount importance to reflect on the year past, soak in all the victorie...