
Showing posts from December, 2020

Are you ready for the new year ?

  A friend from church asked me a question recently, "Honestly speaking, how much have you managed to accomplish this year in percentage terms?". At first i felt like lying but then he stopped me and said its a personal question and only I can know the answer. Though i have improved a lot from the last few years i still feel as if my percentage hasn't quite reached the levels i would want it to. Entering the new year, the main question is  how do i get more stuff done, how can i achieve more and how can i better myself . Imagine 2021 becoming the year of your dreams were you  smash all your goals, beat all your targets become the best version of yourself  and finally finally not have to lie when someone asks you how much you have accomplished throughout the year. All this is more than possible but it is going to take a  lot of willpower and hard work . As we approach the new year it is of paramount importance to reflect on the year past, soak in all the victorie...

Speak what you want to see

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, those that love it shall eat of its fruit" ~ Proverbs 18 vs 21. This is a very powerful verse in my view which just reminds us of the power of our words and how they have the power to shape our lives. What we are and where we are today can be attributed to some of the things we said about ourselves growing up as kids not knowing of the long term implications of those words. So in essence if we were made in God's image and he created the whole world just by speaking, does this not also mean that we can create our own world just to our liking by using our words. I often hear a lot of people talk about how powerful words are and then right the next moment they shoot themselves in the foot by saying something negative about themselves. My question to you is what are you saying about your life ? Daily affirmations always work well for me when I am feeling down or low and this just gives me a chance to pull back and look at my lif...

Be a star not a candle

 "You have more potential than you think, but you will never know your full potential unless you keep challenging yourself and pushing beyond your own self imposed limits." ~ Roy T. Bennett. This statement alone felt very difficult for me to understand when I first read it, I mean I have have always seen myself as a ball of potential just waiting to explode but to then be told that I will never know my full potential unless i keep pushing myself beyond my  "self imposed limits" was heavy. First of all I had to try and figure out  what these self imposed limits are and how they stop me from reaching my full potential. So my question to you is...What are your self imposed limits? So a majority of time we often focus on shielding ourselves from external negativity coming from friends or family. This is a very important part of living a peaceful happy life but at the same time it is not the most important in my view. I think the person you should learn to shield yoursel...

Put in the work

  As the year draws to an end, we may start feeling a bit left behind from the rest of the crowd. Well perhaps your friends seem to be doing better in some aspects of life and you feel like you are still in the same place. This is a very hard place to be because these are your peers and you can feel the disconnect between you and them because they are evidently levels apart. Well guess what...I feel exactly the same way. It honestly just feels like everyone else is doing this or that to make their lives better and I am not doing quite enough, but at times I realized that feelings and emotions may manipulate you into believing something that is not true.  If you were to give a description of were your life was a year ago and were it is now, you will notice some significant differences and improvement. The reason why we don't focus on these is because maybe perhaps they are small changes which go unnoticed but they are still changes nonetheless. Well here are 5 things that I hav...