Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

 Again a very confusing chapter title, however the principle behind it is very crystal clear and quite applicable. The idea here is you encounter a stray cat in the street, instead of shunning it or just straight up avoiding it for fear of "bad luck" you should pet it and show some love and affection to it.

The stray cat in this instance is a representation of pain and suffering, seeing how it is trying to adapt to the harsh conditions that the world abundantly provides. Galatians 6 vs 2 says "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ". Helping each other in times of need is the lesson behind this chapter, and it is a sub-law from one of the greatest laws of all ~ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

There will obviously come times where things will get really hard and everything just seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, you have no idea what to do and you are just stranded. What you would want to do is to disconnect yourself from the long term worries or plans or goals and just shrink the time frame of your focus to the smallest amount of time possible. For example you can just disconnect yourself and focus on having the best hour that you can possibly have. Do that 5 or  6 times and you have a good day, do that everyday and well you will notice that you are solving every problem in a very relaxed place where you are in control. James 5 vs 13 says "Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise". This verse clearly identifies 2 primary human emotions and the reactions that should follow. 

Whether sad or happy one should always always give thanks and show love to everyone everywhere. In a time were things are not going so well for a lot of people, it wouldn't hurt to take some time to just be there for someone. Have a blessed week and Thank God everyday 


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