Be precise in your speech

This has to be one of my favorite rules from the book because it touches on a very interesting aspect of our lives which is our speech. On average a person speaks around 16,000  words per day...that is quite a lot of words however a majority of them on average bring more destruction than construction. Speech is the single most differentiating factor between humans and animals because speech brings about clear and concise communication...that is how important speech is. The tower of Babel from the book of Genesis just emphasis how powerful speech is and how dangerous it can be as well because God ended up sending one of his angel to mix up the language to avoid the further rebellion of men. 

There is a clear connection between speech and structure of being. Proverbs 18 vs 21 says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat of its fruits". The bible clearly states that our speech has the power to bring about death or life and these are just words which we often take for granted. So in the very beginning God made the entire world by using his words but what I like most about that story is that he was very very precise about what he wanted. "And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day." God was very clear about what he wanted and he then named it so that it becomes something real and relatable. Just try and imagine if day and night had not been named and how that would have impacted the way we live.

God asks Adam to name all the animals because when something is unnamed it is almost unreal because you don't know exactly what it is. It is like a new sickness which has never been seen before and people are dying from it. That thing is very terrifying and unspeakable since no one knows what it is, so what scientists do is they name it first and that is usually the first step in solving that problem. The truth is often times things are actually worse in our minds than they actually are in real life. I remember as a kid watching the first Harry Porter movies and being terrified of "he who can't be named". This was simply because he was an unknown entity and that contributed heavily to how I felt about him but the instant Harry starts calling his name and he makes his first appearance, I realized that the monster I was seeing in my head and the one on the screen who did not have a nose were totally different by far and the one in my mind was far far more terrifying. 

 is the Greek term translated as “word,” “speech,” “principle,” or “thought.” The same logos was used in Genesis to create the entire world and so if we were made in his own image and likeness does this not mean that we too have the power to take an idea that is in our head, use our speech to define it and maybe also give it a name and see the idea manifest itself physically. The power is in being precise with your speech because if you don't say what you want then not only will you not get it but you may also get something you don't want

Be careful of the words you speak because they wield so much more power than you think. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday 


  1. Thank you its very true what you say has more power always learn to speak positively about urself and believe that you can achieve it

  2. This is really good like i need to reduce my 16000 words unless its life im speaking.Yiu the best


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