Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today


Comparison is a tool that is used to figure out or determine what or who is better. It is an indicator of what is the best over what is good. We compare people, prices, quality, quantity, locations and many other things in our lives. Comparison of people based on their current positions only has 1 issue in my does not consider all the factors that led to the situation being how it is. As humans it is natural for us to always want to be better than the other person in terms of success or wealth hence you find yourself comparing with other. Back in the day, primary school to be more precise, I would always admire the rich kids who would be dropped off in all the fanciest cars and bring all the nicest food for break time and lunch. I would always compare myself with this kids and automatically declare that their life was much better than mine  and how I wish I could be them. I am sure a majority of us have all been through the same and I am sure you felt the exact same way I did.

The issue with comparing yourself with other people is that you are comparing yourself with what you see on the outside and not what is going on in the background. It is almost like comparing yourself to a successful business person who is much older and more experienced than you are. Here is why comparing yourself to others this is an inaccurate comparison:

  • You never had the exact same opportunities they did.
  • You have different characters
  • You have different visions
  • You have different points of view on the world
  • You never learnt the same things
So already there is an unfair comparison because everyone goes through different things at different times in their lives. Maybe the reason your classmate seems to be much better than you in terms of grades is because they have the genetics for that or because their father is a professor or for some other reason. The point here is that circumstances differ and they provide different opportunities at different times for different people. My emphasis is on the word different because we are all different. We have unique gifts and talents that are there to help us become the best versions of ourselves.

So the question now is how then do I know whether I am successful or not if I should not compare myself to others ? The answer is very should only compare yourself to someone who has had the same opportunities, life events, relationships, challenges and successes as you did. You would need to compare yourself with someone who has lived an identical life with yours and only then is it a fair comparison. The only person who you can compare yourself is who you were yesterday. Self-comparison (if there is such a term) to me is the best remedy for anything that makes you feel inferior to other people.

Devote most of your time to improving yourself and becoming the best version of yourself. If you can continuously improve yourself then you can gladly boast that you are growing into a better person and you are better than you were yesterday. Work on earning more than you did yesterday, having better connections than you did yesterday, getting better grades than you did yester and just focus on becoming the best you you can be Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


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