Be your boss and employee
Well, this is one of those titles that can be a bit confusing because well first of all how can I be my own boss and my own employee as well. The original 5th rule for life according to Jordan Peterson is "Do not let your children do anything that will make you dislike them". Well as many of you may know I do not have any children so I decided to take the rule and fit it into my life. The rule is...look at yourself from an outsider's point of view and weed out those qualities that make you cringe when you look at yourself doing them.
It seems to me like we had been focusing more on the power of habit but when I read this chapter I realized that a person's character plays as much an important role as anything else in your journey to success. The rule talks about how each one of us has a moral obligation to be useful to the community and aim for the highest possible good.
To avoid poor behavior in children, Peterson argues to limit the rules imposed on them and use minimal force. Well while this sounds like something a failing parent would be told in a therapy session, the same also applies to you in your life. Limit the rules you impose on yourself and use minimal force against yourself. Strangely there are people who tyrannize themselves and treat themselves like failures and slaves. Such people believe in forcing themselves to do certain things that perhaps they believe are good for them. The force comes because :
- They are not disciplined enough to do things because they want to
- They are unpleased with their level of progress
- They struggle to be consistent
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