Self Care

In my opinion this is a very interesting time to live in. It is a time where the greater majority of people are becoming more aware of their emotions and mental health is a topic which to a greater extent is making people act more humane towards one another. This should be a good thing but we are still realizing a huge rise in depression levels and the number of suicides that are directly or indirectly as a result of depression or other factors are on the rise as well. I think people have become more sensitive to others' well being that we often forget that our own being requires the same love and compassion we show to others. 

So why don't we love ourselves ?

Society in all its glory has set a benchmark to which one must level with or surpass in order to be "truly happy". Societal ideals or rather what society deems to be perfect is far from anyone's reach because in all honesty everyone has their definition of a "perfect human being" Chasing this "perfect human being" will only lead you to failure all the time and you begin feeling worthless and hopeless in your own eyes.

Not reaching society's level of acceptance now makes one more self conscious as you begin identifying the bad or weak traits that you possess. You are weak, you lack emotional intelligence, you are a terrible communicator, you are fragile amongst many other shortcoming become the base foundation of how you define yourself. So this leads to the question... Why should you love and take care of something as sorry and as wretched as you are? 

I feel like this is one of the leading causes of mental health issues where we find it easy to treat others with love and compassion because they fit the description of things that should be cared for. Even though we are not yet all that we can be we should treat ourselves with the same love and compassion that we give to others. In my view everyone has a morale obligation to take care of themselves because it's not only better and beneficial for you but also for the world around you. I have often asked myself why people including myself do not like themselves and the reasons are endless because one may start to point out all their weaknesses and negative traits. There are not enough reasons in this whole world to mistreat yourself because you are all you have. "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple..." 1 Corinthians 3 vs 16-17. This verse changed my whole perspective of self worth and self value.

Remember that there will always be people around you that are better at certain things than you are and this can make you resentful and jealous. This leads to you feeling worthless and in a worst case scenario causes you to lose hope. Jordan Peterson gives a solution to this problem which will make you feel content and show more love and care to yourself which in the long run will put you in a perfect position to show unconditional love to others. You need a goal but do not let the distance from your goal crush you and make you feel like it is impossible. Break your goal down into smaller more manageable goals which are achievable in the short term and just love the process of becoming the best you you can be.

Love yourself because no one on this planet is in a position as perfect as you are to do so. "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." ~ Proverbs 4 vs 23. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday.


  1. This could possibly have been the best time to give us such information, at a time like this where the majority of us have time on our hands and do some reflection on ourselves. And yes you're right about the time aspect and that it could take a bit of a lenghty time to go from cocoon to butterfly. Then again the ideal version of yourself can only exist in the head, until you make the decision to move. Just fantasising on that image for long won't help. Waking up early is one of those things one can take up and etc. And I personally believe the pursuit of some of these things in too much of a short space of time is unhealthy to our way of thinking as individuals. A classic example is young athletes on steroids. If you believe you're here for a long time then why risk longevity for instant gratification? I think the obstacles are what keep us up....Nothing else sums and conpliments everything said here like the quote on the flower- Bloom whilist trying not to get distracted. Download that picture, put it some place you can always refer to it when you need it most, as it has what it communicates and could bring you back in line during trying times.

    Also a better you also means better self esteem, somewhat self awareness which enables you to communicate better. The rewards are improved relationships and etc. It's very much worth the effort.

  2. Thank you lt surely is important to love yourself and value yourself and never be in competition with anyone be in you own lane and be content with who you are.if i cant love me better who will


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