Sometimes our thoughts are backed by so much insecurity that they create lies we believe. Lies that are told by others are not the ones that destroy us, rather it is those that we tell ourselves that lead us on the path of self-destruction. This path can start in a kindergarten classroom where the teacher said something negative about you or later on in primary school were your classmates made you feel like an outcast. We have all been through some form of traumatizing period in our life which has left us feeling less than we are worth. As the years progress, these lies that we were told shape the way our lives go and we find ourselves scarred for life. Personally I have heard my own fair share of such lies fed to me and have lived the greater part of my life believing them. There are 4 common lies that we all have come across at some point in our lives as well as believed them and it is time we knew the truth and expose these lies for the shams that they are.
  • I can't
    This statement on its own means you have failed even before you start. As soon as you believe that you can not do anything then automatically your mind registers this and immediately closes all thoughts that are in relation to this particular task. In all that we face we constantly need to remember that all things are possible only if we believe. It all begins in your mind and if you can see it then indeed it shall come to pass. To truly fight this lie continuously remind yourself of Philippians 4 vs 13.

  • Nobody cares
    This might have stemmed from no one wanting to associate with you or simply from constantly feeling like an outcast amongst your peers. The danger of this lie is that it isolates you from the world and puts you in your own little circle where you get more and more depresses. It is human nature to retreat after being hurt and hide in fear of further hurt however this may prove counterproductive in your own growth. To fight this lie remind yourself of Psalm 23 and Psalm 27 vs 10
  • I don't matter
    Now this would rank as one of the biggest lies of them all. I strongly believe  that none of us are here by chance and we were not born juts to increase the population on earth. The very thought of you just being a statistic kills your very purpose and destiny. You matter because you were specifically born because the world needed you and you were born to solve a problem on this earth. So never feel like you do not matter because you do. You matter, not because of what you can do, not because of who you are, but because of whose you are and you are God's child. 
  • It's too late
    The sense of urgency which should help us into action is manipulated into fear and despair. This only leads to further panic which will definitely ensure that nothing productive is done. Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year but rather focus on the 24 hours ahead of you and how best you can utilize it to get you closer to where you want to be. It is never too late to take action.
You are worth more than anyone tells you. Believe it in your heart that you are God's perfect creation and that you were brought here tp fulfill a certain purpose. Do not believe it when anyone even your family tries to diminish your value and they tell you you are less than who you really are. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


  1. Umm thank you for reminding us that we matter i am God's favorite creation and was created for a purpose


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