Opportunity is knocking

"Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems." ~ Sun Tzu. A friend of mine referred me to the Harvard Business Review website because it put out some really nice content and I enjoy reading and researching about different things. I then somehow stumbled across an article written by Nancy Koehn titled Real Leaders Are Forged in Crisis( find the link below). She talks about a lot of famous people and how they overcame adversities through the way the viewed everything. This then told me that crisis is only a matter of perspective and until we shift our mindset from looking at the negative impact of a crisis to actually seeing it as an opportunity to better certain things then the crisis will only get worse in our minds.

These are very trying times mentally, physically and for those directly affected by the pandemic emotionally and health wise as well. I chose to view this time as an opportunity to actually get to know myself better, know my family better, detach myself from certain things and just live. I may not know what opportunities are waiting for you during such a time but my advice would be to enjoy every second of it and ensure that your life is not stagnant. 

No one knows per say when all this will be over because we have all come to terms that this is something beyond our control however we still have control over what goes on inside of us. Our mind being our biggest weapon, it is of great importance that we nurture it and feed it with the right things. There is no harm in switching off the news channel, turning off all access to social media and just enjoying the peace and quiet within yourself for once. I see this as an opportunity to better myself, learn a skill or 2, read as much as I can and maybe even finish a few projects that I have been working on. I think this is where emotional intelligence would come in, where you have to use all the negativity that may be around you to fuel your drive and ambition. It is not too late to start, there will be no better feeling than knowing that you fully capitalized this time and your life has actually leap-frogged all your expectations by the time all this boils down.

I sincerely hope you are all doing well and are coping mentally, emotionally and physically. My verse of the week would have to be Psalms 20 vs 7 which reads "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."  Put all your trust in God in whatever situation, believe him when he says that he will never leave nor forsake you though those you love and trust may. To those who have organisations or know of any organisations and have actually helped alleviate some of the hardships within the country THANK YOU. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday 

Real Leaders Are Forged in Crisis => https://hbr.org/2020/04/real-leaders-are-forged-in-crisis


  1. Thank you i am so using this time to reflect on myself and improve where needed and change where change is needed and enjoying every moment life is after all too short this pandemic has
    taught me to take each day as a blessing and to live to the fullest

  2. I always hear about these mental workshops where one should develop their mind and right now its not as easy but thank you for the encouragement.Solutions come from problems.TGIM u made my day


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