The opposite side of fear

I strongly believe that God intentionally put all the blissful things in life on the opposite side of fear. We need to understand that our minds were designed specifically to protect us from anything that can harm us. It is this specific design that has seen a lot of ideas and dreams never manifest into reality. With the new year I feel like it is time we acknowledge all our fears and consciously choose to overcome them. Whether it is starting your own business, taking the next step in your relationship or anything else that has been a victim of your fear...take the next 12 months as the foundation to finally break down the fear barrier. Here are a few tips you can follow to help you on your journey:
  • Have a reason
    There is nothing more fulfilling than having a thing that you are so passionate about and being able to pursue it. For everything you do this year it is important that you find the anchor reason as to why you are doing it. Feel it deep in your heart that it is absolutely necessary for you to do it to the point that your current environment does not play a great role in you doing it.
  • Stop the mind games
    Every single one of us has one thing in common which is survival instinct. Any time we get into an uncomfortable situation our instincts automatically kick in to ensure survival. Our minds want us to be as comfortable as possible and any time we attempt to cross that line our mind immediately takes over and does everything in its power to stop us. Breaking free of this cycle is crucial in having a great year.
  • Follow your fear
    Marie Forleo once talked about the power of fear in achieving our goals and realising our dreams. Though it may sound contradictory, the very concept of following good fear which comes when we have a good idea or when we want to do something out of the ordinary is very helpful. Such fear is crucial for growth. The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we need to do it. Feel that fear and do it anyway.

This is going to be your year. Fight to break down all fear barriers and get that which you desire the most. Crush your goals and enjoy a fruitful 2020. You are amazing, you are talented and you are the best at what you do. Be blessed and Thank God its Monday


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