As a man thinketh

"You become what you think about most.. But you also attract what you think about most" ~ John Assaraf. This famous quote never made sense to me especially the second part, this was until i read a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret. The book opened my eyes to a lot of things and i got so excited that i just had to tell everyone only to realize that the book has been around for a very long time and its lessons have been implemented in the lives of thousands across the planet. The book basically focuses on bringing awareness to the strength of the mind and how proper use of it can shape your reality into what you want it to be. It got me thinking about how best one can take control of their mind and shape their own reality, so i have compiled a list of things or techniques you can try which will help you gain control of your mind and create the life you want:

  • It all begins with your thoughts.
    Like have always highlighted in all my previous blogs, the key to obtaining any form of freedom and achieving that which you want most is to start by believing it in your mind and thereby pursuing it. So you have to see it for you to have. It all starts with how you think and the limitations you set for yourself.
  • Ask, Believe and Receive
    This has to be the best part about the whole book. "...Ye have not because ye ask not" ~ James 4 vs 2. This verse has changed how i see life, it is basically telling us that in order to have you need to ask that you may receive. In order for us to have our heart's truest desires we need to:
    - Ask => This involves having a detailed description of what it is that you want exactly in your mind. Having that in your mind is asking on its own, putting it into words are just formalities.
    - Believe => The hardest part is actually believing that what you have asked for will be given to you. The Law of attraction is by far the most powerful law in the world. It simply states that you attract what you think meaning that whatever you constantly have on your mind is that which you will attract so it is necessary for you to always have that vision in your mind and believe in it so much that it becomes real to you.
    - Receive => When you have asked and you believe then the one thing left to do is to receive that which you asked for. I read of this exercise which i found to be very interesting. It was directed at someone who wants a new car. The exercise prompted them to have a good look at the back of their hands for 2 minutes and properly take in every detail and then close their eyes and imagine their hands on the steering wheel of the car that they want. this is the receiving practice. 
  • Don't worry about how
    “I’m a total believer. I believe we’re all creators. I believe we create with every thought and with every word. I believe in manifestation. I believe in putting a rocket of desire out into the Universe and you get it when you believe it. You get it when you believe you have it. That’s the key. People still sit around going “When’s it going to come?” “When’s it going to come?” “When’s it going to come?” And that’s the wrong way. You have to go: “It’s HERE” “It’s HERE” “It’s HERE.” – Jim Carrey. I believe this statement from Jim Carrey literally says it all
You are amazing, you are the best at what you do and you have the ability to achieve whatever you want. Get yourself a copy of the book The Secret and change the way you see things. Have a blessed week and Thank God its Monday


  1. Needed to hear this thank you.i loved the ask, believe and receive i have been one person who ask but then question when will it come will it come at all

  2. Always the best way to start my week. Think-believe-attract-have it.


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