Strive for progres not perfection
"Never discourage anyone who makes progress, no matter how slow...even if that person is yourself" ~Plato. Success is a long hard journey, it takes a lot of self discipline and determination . Within this hard journey there are often times where you feel like giving up because "IT IS HARD" but the honest truth is the harder it gets, the closer you are to where you want to be. I am sure a great number of people have already set their new year's resolutions and some are already on the verge of giving up. Well there are still 11 more months to go and you can still make it . I have compile a short list of things i feel could be of some assistance in your quest to fulfill these new year resolutions : Snowball This to me is one of the most effective ways to ensure efficient progress. The snowball effect represents a continuous growth in small increments. This simply means that you need to use the momentum gained from one victory to propel you to the next. Tha...