
Showing posts from January, 2020

Strive for progres not perfection

"Never discourage anyone who makes progress, no matter how slow...even if that person is yourself" ~Plato. Success is a long hard journey, it takes a lot of self discipline and determination . Within this hard journey there are often times where you feel like giving up because "IT IS HARD" but the honest truth is the harder it gets, the closer you are to where you want to be. I am sure a great number of people have already set their new year's resolutions and some are already on the verge of giving up. Well there are still 11 more months to go and you can still make it . I have compile a short list of things i feel could be of some assistance in your quest to fulfill these new year resolutions : Snowball This to me is one of the most effective ways to ensure efficient progress. The snowball effect represents a continuous growth in small increments. This simply means that you need to use the momentum gained from one victory to propel you to the next. Tha...

As a man thinketh

"You become what you think about most.. But you also attract what you think about most" ~ John Assaraf. This famous quote never made sense to me especially the second part, this was until i read a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret. The book opened my eyes to a lot of things and i got so excited that i just had to tell everyone only to realize that the book has been around for a very long time and its lessons have been implemented in the lives of thousands across the planet. The book basically focuses on bringing awareness to the strength of the mind and how proper use of it can shape your reality into what you want it to be. It got me thinking about how best one can take control of their mind and shape their own reality, so i have compiled a list of things or techniques you can try which will help you gain control of your mind and create the life you want: It all begins with your  thoughts. Like have always highlighted in all my previous blogs, the key to obtaining an...

A book is a gift you can open again and again

"Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light" ~ Vera Nazarian. One of the greatest indicators that someone will be a great person is their thirst for knowledge . They are always great readers. Reading not only gives you a habit that is beneficial to your mental well-being but it also gives you the ability to articulate, speak and have great command of the English language. This in turn makes you seem a lot smarter than you may actually be and it will open up certain doors for you . Though for beginners it may seem like a dull and tedious hobby, the more experienced readers will tell you that their lives were never the same after their first few books. The habit on its own brings about a lo of benefits and i will mention a few that i have noticed in my life : Mental Stimulation and increased creativity Stress reduction Greater knowledge of the world Vocabulary expansion(my favorite) Improved focus and concentration ...

The opposite side of fear

I strongly believe that God intentionally put all the blissful things in life on the opposite side of fear. We need to understand that our minds were designed specifically to protect us from anything that can harm us. It is this specific design that has seen a lot of ideas and dreams never manifest into reality. With the new year I feel like it is time we acknowledge all our fears and consciously choose to overcome them . Whether it is starting your own business, taking the next step in your relationship or anything else that has been a victim of your fear...take the next 12 months as the foundation to finally break down the fear barrier . Here are a few tips you can follow to help you on your journey: Have a reason There is nothing more fulfilling than having a thing that you are so passionate about and being able to pursue it. For everything you do this year it is important that you find the anchor reason as to why you are doing it. Feel it deep in your heart that it is a...