You are one decision away from a different life

There are times where we often feel as if whatever it is that we are doing is not enough. These times usually come when we fail to reach a certain goal or attain a certain milestone and we feel powerless. It is human nature to get disappointed in our own shortcomings. In my view it all boil down to one life changing decision which is to take yourself seriously and actually taking time to discover yourself. This one decision brings you closer and closer to your true purpose and narrows down what you ought to do in life. After making the decision to look within yourself to find yourself, there are a few things you can do to help you on your path of self discovery :

  • Trust in your ideas
    On average, the human mind is capable of coming up with close to half a dozen ideas on how to become a better person mentally physically and financially every single day. Pure human instinct is survival and your mind is hard wired to ensure survival by any means. There are a lot of things you have always wanted to do to advance your career, improve your qualifications or even start your own business. Trust your survival instinct and pursue those ideas  and give yourself a fighting chance.

  • Develop a positive attitude
    "As a man thinketh so is he" ~ King Solomon (Proverbs 23 vs 7). This has to be the most powerful piece of advice anyone can ever receive. These are words from presumably the wisest man to ever walk the face of the planet. He understood the importance of the mind in human destiny and progression of life. Feed your mind with positivity all the time, feed it with words of encouragement, feed it with plans of a great future and assuredly it will be all you think about. Create your own ideal world and future in your mind and act upon it and your will find the best version of yourself.

  • Value addition
    Any good business consultants will tell you how crucial it is to present yourself as a source of value in people's lives. The same applies to your own self image, developing your skills and attributes makes you a person of value. It is near impossible to look past people of value and much like any good products out there, people are willing to pay for value addition so live a life where you are seen as a person of value
  • Passion is energy
    If you cant figure out your purpose find your passion for your passion will lead you to your purpose. Purpose is the one thing guaranteed to stay with you for the duration of your life. The bad thing is that not living your purpose will rob you of your happiness and it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Focus on the things that excite you most and get your blood boiling for a more fulfilling life.
This is going to be yet another fruitful week for you, remember you are amazing and you are the best at what you do. Ask yourself what ideas have been stocked up in your head and how best you can act upon them. Give yourself time to look within yourself and find out who you really are and what you are meant to do.  Work on developing your skills this week and Thank God its Monday.


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