Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

If you want to be an impactful personality you need to change the way you see the world and change how you see yourself. Even though we can not determine how other people will act, we can at least change our own outcome. The lion is the king of the jungle because of one thing "attitude". It is this attitude that makes every other animal afraid of it. The lion is not the strongest, fastest, smartest or most intelligent yet he runs things. So what makes all these animals fear a is attitude. The elephant is 3-4 times heavier, 10 times stronger and has more power in fact one stomp could shatter the lion's skull but when the lion sees an elephant one word comes to mind "lunch". The lion acts the way it thinks and because it thinks it can eat the elephant it proceeds to attack whereas the elephant in spite of its strength and size advantages thinks that it is food hence it gets eaten. All of the elephant's qualities are a victim of the way its mind works. You need to ask yourself which of these 2 animals you are and why you are the way you are. Where you are today is a function of your mind, that is how powerful your state of mind is going to be in the progression of your life.

  • No problems
    It is the thinking of a person that makes them see circumstances differently so when people ask you how you are doing, the word problem should never come out of your mouth. A problem is negative when you do not see the problem as an opportunity to grow, so we should never see problems rather we should see opportunities to overcome and grow stronger. So what will be your answer when someone asks you how you are doing?
  • Attitude is belief
    You can never develop an attitude beyond your belief system. The lion is the king because of what it believes about himself and what he sees when he looks at all the other animals, this belief system is what determines how things go when these animals meet. No amount of connections with rich people, intelligence or skill can ever substitute for the right attitude.
    Your development is determined by :
    - Your perception of who you are => whereby you stop focusing much on what people think about you and focus more and more on who you see yourself as
    - Why you think you exist => You need to align your mind to your purpose in life, everything your do and say should be on the same wavelength.
    - Your sense of significance => assert yourself by acknowledging that you are important to this generation and you have to get to the point where you believe it.
  • Not ability but mentality
    The elephant and the hippo have strength power and size which is ability but they have the wrong mentality that is why the lion eats them for lunch. What you think is more important than what you can do. Potential will always remain as potential until it is released. A seed can be placed on a tiled floor for 30 years but never germinate and if we take that same seed and place it in the right environment then it will grow. Change your mind from being the tiled floor to being the fertile soil and turn your potential into definitive action.

  • Nurture yourself
    What you are today is the expression of all your thoughts for all these years. Usually your train of thought is determined by what you allow into your mind. Anytime you want to grow the perfect tree which will produce the perfect fruits you would need to constantly prune your tree to ensure that all the water and nutrients go to where they are needed most. Prune yourself constantly to make sure that all your energy is focused on productive things.
We are what we think and our train of thought determines who we are tomorrow. The only way to truly transform your life is to change the way your mind works. Focus on improving your mind more and Thank God its Monday.


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