Refine your talent to ability

In my view all successful people can attribute their success to a number of things and one of the most prominent would be discipline. It can be defined as the refining fire by which talent becomes ability. I can not think of a better way to describe the the bridge between goals and accomplishment other than developing self-discipline. Laziness and procrastination are always going to be barriers to you reaching your goals but by mastering the art of self-discipline you are guaranteed success in everything you do. This week I have chosen to focus on developing one's self-discipline and helping you to overcome the barriers set by your mind.
  • Take control of your mind
    The mind can work as your greatest asset or your worst enemy. There is no greater displeasure than driving a car which can go up to 220km/hour in a 60km speed limit zone. We are designed to operate at optimum level but in most cases our minds talk us out of living life at that level. Much like the speed limit, our minds have survival instincts which in all cases work hard to keep us away from discomfort and pain. Procrastination and laziness at times are  a result of your mind convincing you to stay in a more relaxed position where you don't have to work and stress yourself. So take control of your mind by practicing the 5 second rule in everything you do. If you missed the message on the 5 second rule click this link "Motivation is nonsense".

  • Make a schedule that rewards you First of all we need to understand that a schedule is not a prison. The question you should ask which will enable you to make an effective schedule is "What would the best day you could have look like?". Issues of low productivity stem from not knowing what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why you are doing it. The human mind tends to work best when a reward system is put in place, so in order to get the best out of your day you need to set a balanced responsibility to reward ratio where completing certain tasks result in enjoying certain rewards.
  • Develop a good morning routine
    The way you begin each day sets out how you live each day. I never used to be a morning person and this always had a negative impact on my mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. I then discovered a couple of tips that have helped me start my day the right way and help me discipline my mind to how i want it to operate throughout the day. 
    - Develop a no-think routine
    Know ahead of time exactly what you will do to achieve their goals. When you wake up in the morning, you should already have a plan of how you’re going to start the day. The mental energy you save helps you free up “working memory” you can use for more positive things. 
    - Charge yourself always
    When you get out of bed, your body has been charged up with sleep–now it’s time to charge your mind.Start your day out with an energy boost. Usually I’ll do some type of exercise like jogging . It doesn’t take much to get the blood flowing. There are all sorts of studies showing that what you eat in the morning will set you up for success in your health, so have a good breakfast before you leave.
    Fill your head with positive thoughtsNothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
    You simply can never do well if you don’t get yourself in the right mental space to succeed. Wake up and decide that today I’m going to do excellent work. Today I’m going to look for opportunities to improve. Today I’m going to choose to see the positive in every interactionDon’t make the same mistakes so many do, and fall into a poor attitude habit.

Develop the right attitude and discipline your mind. If you don't discipline yourself then the world will do it for you, so i hope you enjoy a fuller, happier, more productive week through practicing self discipline and Thank God its Monday



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