The power of positivity

Positivity, the art of thinking in an optimistic way, expecting good results and focusing on making life happier. This sounds like the introduction to one of those over-priced motivational speakers but does such a state of mind exist? Is it possible to enjoy a stress free "positive" work week and if it is then how is it attainable.

Welcome to Monday😀, the first day of the working week and arguably the busiest of the 5. One could actually swear management holds a secret meeting every Sunday night to discuss how best they can make the work lives of their employees worse than they actually are. The backlog, the new clients, the impossible deadlines, the emails and worst of them all, the calls😰...positivity just doesn't exist within such an environment. However as much as all this is true, it is also equally true that if Monday is not dealt with properly it can ruin the entire week and have you just begging for those "Thank God its Friday" memes to start circulating. For the coming week i have personally compiled a list of 5 things that you can practice to make the rest of your week not only productive but completely cured of the negativity that comes with every new week wherever you are.

1. Appreciate knowledge
The beautiful thing about knowledge is it doesn't matter where you are or who you are with, there is always something to learn. Most people often get frustrated because they believe that they should be in a better place doing bigger and better things. This is true, everybody has the potential and just the right amount of talent to make their impact felt. For every task you undertake, before you start whining and complaining I just want you to ask yourself 1 thing : What am i learning from this and how will it help me with what i want to achieve. I assure you, the moment you start seeing how helpful and valuable these annoying repetitive tasks are, the more productive and happy you become at work .

2. Set attainable goals
At the start of every day, the first 15 minutes after i wake up are dedicated to planning my day. I realised that having a work plan for every day and carefully managing your time before the day even starts made me more productive and feel more confident about the day ahead. So everyday i come up with a  list of tasks from the day which i then break down into smaller more manageable tasks which will be my guiding compass for the day. What this did is it improved my overall mood and literally got me excited for work .

3. Concentrate at one thing at a time

You have a lot of things on your To Do list, but concentrating on one thing at a time will help you be more motivated and focused. If you stay on task until it’s finished, you won’t lose time by multitasking or changing course from one topic to another. By concentrating on one thing at a time, you also are more likely to complete more tasks fully, instead of doing bits and pieces of a bunch of different projects but not finishing any.

4. Give yourself a break
I remember the first time i actually started working which was about a year ago during my attachment year, i got bored and tired easily. This was not because the job was boring or there wasn't much to do but simply because i was so desperate to impress my supervisors with the amount of hardwork and determination i had that by lunch time i was running low on energy and concentration. "The Boss" likes people who are productive and "The Boss" doesn't care if you run yourself to the ground everyday and always work extremely hard in terms of time and effort put in but not get the job done or present half baked results. Productivity and Efficiency  is all that differentiates employee levels so marrying yourself to your work desk and working 24/7 so as to have a good standing in the workplace and in your employer's mind results in a negative impact on your productivity and performance, it also leads to a deterioration of your mental well-being. So in order to get the most out of your highly creative mind it is very important to always always take a short break in order to refresh your mind, stretch your muscles and get that creative boost you need to complete the task at hand.  p.s DO NOT OVERDO THE BREAKS.

5. Smile more
The last and definitely not the last tip I have for you is smile. Smile when you greet your coworkers and clients. Smile when you walk down the hall. Smile even when you don’t want to smile, and see how much it improves your days! Smiling even if you don’t feel happy will make you feel better, and seeing a smile on your face will make others feel better, too! 

I hope these tips change your work life and improve your mood and productivity as they did for me. Do leave your comments, additions and subtractions on how best to get the best out of your workplace and current projects you are working on. Enjoy your week and Thank God its Monday!!!


  1. This is amazing thanks u for me I learnt a lot on setting realistic goals and to stop trying so hard to please the bosses #thank God it's Monday

  2. Only bad thing is I read this on a Monday evening! Would've been a positive day no doubt!! Looking forward to your next post!

  3. A good read!!! Can we get one for the last 16 mondays of the year too

  4. This is a different way to approach a Monday. With more meditation on this, I think Mondays will suck a little less. Thank you!


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