Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind
This is one of the most powerful bible verses I have ever read. It speaks about 2 states of mind which are : Conformed to the world This is one who is tied down by what society expects and hardly ever use their own minds to think about what it is that they want Renewed Now this one is what we should aim for. It represents someone who has separated themselves from how the rest of the world thinks and has a completely different thought process. This week I have 5 things that I have learnt and have began applying in my life. I have seen a great change in how I operate due to these 7 things : Know what you are going after It is like you are playing a game of bow and arrow where you are supposed to hit a specific target. It will not help you in any way to close your eyes before you take the shot because the chances that you will miss are a lot higher than those that you will hit the target. Open your eyes and see your target, aim for it and go get it. Don't let your past affect your f...