
Showing posts from November, 2020

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind

  This is one of the most powerful bible verses I have ever read. It speaks about 2 states of mind which are : Conformed to the world This is one who is tied down by what society expects and hardly ever use their own minds to think about what it is that they want Renewed Now this one is what we should aim for. It represents someone who has separated themselves from how the rest of the world thinks and has a completely different thought process. This week I have 5 things that I have learnt and have began applying in my life. I have seen a great change in how I operate due to these 7 things : Know what you are going after It is like you are playing a game of bow and arrow where you are supposed to hit a specific target. It will not help you in any way to close your eyes before you take the shot because the chances that you will miss are a lot higher than those that you will hit the target. Open your eyes and see your target, aim for it and go get it. Don't let your past affect your f...

The substance of things hoped for

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase". I think the scariest thing one can ever experience is going into the unknown. By unknown I mean a completely new environment with which one is not used to or is experiencing for the first time. Hope can be defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. When you are writing a test that you did not study for you "hope" that you will pass meaning that you have a longing desire to pass the exam. So in other words hope is a feeling which is at times governed by emotions and circumstances . Hope arises in an unreal situation where all things are not considered real but there is just a longing desire for things to happen and come to pass. The only issue here is that hope only exists in the mind and can be completely disregarded maybe due to circumstance like I said before. Hope keeps you going because there is a longing desire but then that is as far as it g...

Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

 Again a very confusing chapter title, however the principle behind it is very crystal clear and quite applicable. The idea here is you encounter a stray cat in the street, instead of shunning it or just straight up avoiding it for fear of "bad luck" you should pet it and show some love and affection to it. The stray cat in this instance is a representation of pain and suffering, seeing how it is trying to adapt to the harsh conditions that the world abundantly provides. Galatians 6 vs 2 says "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ". Helping each other in times of need is the lesson behind this chapter, and it is a sub-law from one of the greatest laws of all ~ Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There will obviously come times where things will get really hard and everything just seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, you have no idea what to do and you are just stranded. What you would want to do is to disconnect y...

Don't bother children when they are skate-boarding

"Strong people don't pull others down, they pull them up" ~ Michael P. Watson. Though some may argue like I did that the title does not apply to their lives when I first read the book, an open mind is required to understand the idea represented here. So naturally we are all born with survival instincts which are meant to guide and protect us in our day to day living. This is the same survival instinct that tells you " don't do anything stupid " when we are on the verge of making a potentially life changing decision which poses great risk. Starting a business for example and investing all your time and money into it can pose as a threat to your survival so your brain automatically tells you to "not do anything stupid" and stupid in this instance is represented by taking a risk that will bring you out of your comfort zone and potentially endanger you. Why are our brains like that? Well the easiest answer would be we are built for survival from the ...

Be precise in your speech

This has to be one of my favorite rules from the book because it touches on a very interesting aspect of our lives which is our speech. On average a person speaks around 16,000  words per day ...that is quite a lot of words however a majority of them on average bring more destruction than construction. Speech is the single most differentiating factor between humans and animals because speech brings about clear and concise communication...that is how important speech is. The tower of Babel from the book of Genesis just emphasis how powerful speech is and how dangerous it can be as well because God ended up sending one of his angel to mix up the language to avoid the further rebellion of men.  There is a clear connection between speech and structure of being. Proverbs 18 vs 21 says " Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat of its fruits ". The bible clearly states that our speech has the power to bring about death or life and these are just ...