
Showing posts from July, 2020

Consistency is key

I believe that if you are persistent you will get what you want and if you are consistent you will keep it . The level of discipline and sacrifice required for one to he consistent is immense. I always marvel at how it feels like yesterday when I posted my first article which was in defiance of my fearful mind trying to talk me out of it. Now it has been almost a year... well 50 weeks to be specific and I m not going to lie and say it was easy. The consistency has always been key and it truly has gotten me here. Tony Robbins once said “ Its not what we do occasionally that shapes our is what we do consistently ”. So in other words if you have a life that you want to live you need to consistently put in the effort to make it happen. Since childhood I have always seen the good in people and I have always felt the urge to help people become the best version of themselves. That 1 statement has been directly responsible for the past 50 weeks and it has helped me a lot. My quest...

What controls you ?

Imagine living a life where all your thoughts, actions, present and future is outside of your influence . A life where you live according to a program that you did not set. Imagine living the life of a slave who is in bondage . The truth of the matter is at one point in time we have all been slaves to our minds and our minds slaves to fear. Science says fear has been the very reason why man has managed to survive all this but at the same time fear is also the reason that man lives a limited life . From a previous post earlier in the year ( I talked about how fear has a crippling effect which will remain with you for the rest of your life if you do not shake it off. Fear has directly and indirectly been in control of the majority's actions and beliefs since the beginning of time and it does not look like it will let anyone go easily any time soon. Many rash decisions have been made based of fear of failure, rejection,...

Grow out of your comfort zone

The human body breaks down and rebuilds muscles every 15 - 30 days. The only way for the muscle to grow is if it is put under a lot of pressure, torn apart and given time to recover. As we go through our paces this week we need to remember that some times we need to break down so that we can rebuild something bigger and stronger . I have talked about the power of habit and how having poor habits causes "drifting" ( ) so to balance out the playing field, maybe one would want to know the type of habits you can adopt to grow out of your comfort zone or drifting period. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. The only way for anything to grow is to put it under immense amount of pressure and turn your coal into a diamond . The trick now is to know the type of pressure that will help you grow and get rid of or ignore the pressure that won't.  The types of pressures you can and sho...

It starts NOW!!!

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences. This is the best definition of procrastination that I have come across so far. In my view procrastination is the biggest dream killer next to fear . The terrible thing about procrastination is that putting off today's task adds to the burden of tomorrow. So how does one become more productive and beat the cycle of procrastination ? I tried to answer that question in an earlier article titled " The knowledge action gap " (click link to view ) where I touched a bit on how we often know exactly what to do and the information on how best to do it is at our disposal but it is the doing part that is always missing . So as promised I will share the Action Plan which I have been using for the past month which has been very helpful for...