
Showing posts from December, 2019

Brace yourself

A friend from church asked me a question recently, "Honestly speaking, how much have you managed to accomplish this year in percentage terms?". At first i felt like lying but then he stopped me and said its a personal question and only I can know the answer. Though i have improved a lot from the last few years i still feel as if my percentage hasn't quite reached the levels i would want it to. Entering the new year, the main question is how do i get more stuff done, how can i achieve more and how can i better myself . Imagine 2020 becoming the year of your dreams were you smash all your goals, beat all your targets become the best version of yourself and finally finally not have to lie when someone asks you how much you have accomplished throughout the year. All this is more than possible but it is going to take a lot of willpower and hard work . As we approach the new year it is of paramount importance to reflect on the year past, soak in all the victories, ackno...

Recharge your mind

I believe that for many of us this has been a very interesting year in terms of challenges and achieving our goals. From the time I started publishing content every week I have realized a considerable level of growth in my own life. It is usually around this time of the year that people realize how far they have come throughout the course of the year and it is of paramount importance that you reward yourself this festive season. Remember your mind is your most crucial asset so keeping it charged up and sharp will surely be an advantage next year. As usual I thought I would share a few of my top tips that will help you recharge:   Relax A lot of people often misuse or misunderstand the concept of relaxing. The most widely used definition would be idleness or being a couch potato and watch television or play games all holiday. This doesn’t help relax in any way because what we are trying to achieve is mental relaxation were the mind just takes a break. Try enjoying quiet alone ...

Where there is no vision, the people perish

I was having a discussion on living a full life with a friend of mine and when we got to the part about purpose he simply referred me to a bible verse which says   "Where there is no vision, the people perish"(Proverbs 29 vs 18 NKJV) . This verse to me simply solidifies the fact that  vision is a very crucial aspect of living a successful and fulfilling life . The word vision itself means   the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. Imagination for me is the word that really stood out because as a man thinketh so is he, so until you are able to  fully internalize your vision  and see it you wont be able to externalize and feel it. The greatest driver to the proper creation and belief of your vision is purpose which to me is just what you were specifically designed to do. I believe that if anyone can bake a better cake or develop a better program or write better poems than their neighbour, no matter they build their house in...

Manage priorities not time

Have you ever asked yourself how some people can juggle so many tasks and priorities effectively and efficiently ? How they manage to run 3 - 4 different projects at the same time and still get the job done. Is it really possible to efficiently use your time and get stuff done? We often go through periods were we feel like we are not being as productive as we should and this stems from not properly planning how we are going to complete our tasks. American journalist and book author Tony Schwartz once said " Force yourself to prioritise so that you know that you will finish at least one critical task during the day when you have the most energy and the fewest distractions ". There a few habits you can adopt that will enable you to be more productive and get more important things done : Categorize your priorities One of the main causes of being unproductive is having all your tasks mixed up. We often chase many different things at the same time and the end result is not...

Prepare Yourself

The only way to be ready for tomorrow is to prepare for it today. We need to understand that the greatest value in life is not what you get but rather what you become . Constantly asking ourselves what or who we are becoming is more important than asking what we are getting. This ensures that you create a positive self direction . To achieve this you would need to adopt 2 very important components : Knowledge of self This is possibly the most important process you will ever have to go through. It involves knowing who you are and what you want to do in life. Narrow down your vision and purpose to one thing which you invest all your time and effort into. Extensive preparation This means that you actively prepare or get ready for opportunities before they come your way. There is no better feeling than finally getting your hands on that which you have been waiting and working hard for. To achieve positive self direction you need both components. You need to figure out who...