Become the best version of yourself

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. I have dedicated this week to SELF IMPROVEMENT. I believe that the moment you better yourself and improve your self value, the world begins to see and desire the value that you possess and this will take you places. We have heard truly inspirational stories of successful people like Oprah Winfrey who came from humble beginnings and rose to influential positions through following her passion and constantly bettering herself. We need to be addicted to constant never ending self-improvement. So as usual i have compiled a list of ways in which you can actively work on improving yourself and becoming the best version of yourself.

  • Surround yourself with greatness.     People don't always like and they don't always want whats best for you. If you surround yourself with people who are not accustomed to your success they become scared because you are showing them something they don't recognize. They will not come out openly and tell you they are scared, rather they will stay stuff like "Who do you think you are?", "What makes you so special?". We have all heard these questions more often than we would have liked and they come from people who simply don't want the best for you. People who want the best for you will always want you to be your best so you need to surround yourself with people who will FILL YOUR CUP UNTIL IT RUNS OVER 
  • Master your craft.     Become so skilled in whatever it is that you do to the extent that your talent cannot be dismissed. The sooner we stop comparing ourselves to other people we notice that our lives become happier and more fulfilling. I believe that you are on this earth to be you and you alone, we should stop trying to be everything, everyone and everything to everyone.The most successful people in the world all have one thing in common which is a statement : "This one thing I do". Become a leader in your field of work no matter what it is and you will see and feel yourself becoming happier and more valuable.
  • Aim to serve and not be served.     All the great leaders and most successful people in the world all aim to provide service regardless of their area of work. They dedicated their entire lives to use their positions to impact the lives of millions around the world and the joy found in being a positive influence in a world that is filled with negativity is just amazing. You might not have the same level of influence like Oprah or Bill Gates or all the other philanthropists but you can start in your own small way and change the world for the better in your own little way. Make it a point to put a smile on someone's face every single day and your life becomes more fulfilling when you aim to serve others. Service and significance equals success.

  • Take responsibility of your life.     You are responsible for your life. If your sitting around and waiting for someone to come and help you or fix you up then you are wasting your time. You and only you have the power to take responsibility to move your life forward. What matters is this moment and your willingness to look within yourself, forgive your past, embrace your present and look forward to your future. Steer your life in the direction you want and take responsibility for your own happiness and work.
  • Build your brand.     Companies often invest large sums of money into branding because it is the sum total of how they are perceived by their customers, employees and beyond. A brand is a company’s most valuable asset and the same applies to people. You are a brand on your own and you are your own manager too. Your value will be determined on how well you take care of your brand and how much time you take to invest in yourself. You can try a couple of things which will surely aide in your mission for self improvement :
    - Reading is one of the most underrated habits. It not only improves your vocabulary and communications skills, it also broadens your view on the world.
    - Regular exercise improves blood circulation to the mind which is your most valuable asset so jogging on a regular will help a lot in self improvement.

I hope that we dedicate our time to improving ourselves and becoming the best versions of ourselves and truly be unique in our own respect. Discover yourselves this week and Thank God its Monday


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